Owner of the original vision of the game
Overall polishing and balancing of the Game Design
Designed flowcharts and prototyped the whole User Interface and the HUD in VR
Managed the pre-production
Managed the community discord, and the official Twitter account
Organized playtest sessions
The game
The player will be in a room with a wall of bricks in front of him that he can destroy with a ball that he will control with a racket.
There are 3 different brick types: blue, green and neutral. The bricks will be destructible if the colour of the ball matches the colour of the brick in question.
The player can choose to change the colour of the ball at any time everytime he hits it.
The team
Tristan Veille
Timothé Dauplay
Vincent Trinel
Francois Noël
Timothé Piau
Alexis Ledouble
Sonia En-Najibi
Pierrick Querolle
Geoffrey Pineau
Lead Game Design, UI Design
Game Design, Level Design, Shaders
Game Design, Level Design
Gameplay & Tool Programming
Gameplay & Physics Programming
Network Programming
SFX & Music
Release Management, Producing